

444 Uppsatser om Bone mineral density - Sida 1 av 30

De dolda sjukdomarna : osteoporos och artros kvarteret Banken 1 i Visby

This Bachelor paper deals with skeletal diseases like osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. 24 medieval individuals from the block Banken 1 in Visby, Gotland were chosen for an osteological analysis. Osteoporosis affects the bone with low Bone mineral density and can lead to possible fractures and Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease. A DEXA reading was done at Dr. Roland Alvarssons Doctorial practice in Visby and the results from the DEXA reading showed that none of the individuals suffered from osteoporosis, but one suffered from osteopenia.

Samband mellan testosteron, DHEAS, kroppskomposition och fysiska kapaciteter hos unga kvinnliga fotbollsspelare

Testosterone is a steroid and anabolic hormone found in all mammals. Previous research indicates that testosterone levels correlates with physical capacities related to physical performance. However, these studies refers only to men and boys. The aim of present study was therefore to investigate the potential relationship between body composition, strength, power and endurance capabilities in relation to blood levels of testosterone and DHEAS in young female football players. Seventeen female elite football (age: 15,4 ± 0,6, body mass: 57,2 ± 7,4kg, height 1,65 ±0,04m) players volunteered for the study.

Mjölkprotein för starka ben. En systematisk översiktsartikel.

Bakgrund: Osteoporos är en skelettsjukdom som ökar risken för frakturer. Sjukdomen i sig ärasymtomatisk men frakturerna som uppkommer leder till morbiditet och ökad mortalitet. ISverige beräknas en tredjedel av kvinnorna i åldrarna 70-79 år ha osteoporos i höften ochförekomsten förväntas öka i och med att Sverige får en allt äldre befolkning. En strategi föratt minska risken för frakturer är att öka bentätheten. På senare år har det gjorts flera studiersom undersökt om komjölksprotein kan öka bentätheten.Syfte: Att undersöka om intag av komjölksprotein påverkar benremodelleringen och/eller gerökad bentäthet hos unga människor, vilket skulle kunna leda till ett högre peak bone mass.Sökväg: Sökningar i PubMed och Scopus efter originalartiklar utfördes under april 2011.Sökord som användes var ?Milk AND bone mass/density?, ?Milk protein AND bonemass/density?, ?Milk basic protein AND bone mass/density?.Urvalskriterier: Originalartiklar på svenska/engelska som undersökt effekten av intag avmjölkprotein på bentätheten med hjälp av Dual energy X-ray absorbtiometry (DXA), samt påbenremodelleringen med hjälp av biomarkörer inkluderades.

Att förebygga osteoporos i ett tidigt skede

Bakgrund: Osteoporos har under de senaste decennierna utvecklats till en av de stora folksjukdomarna. I Sverige drabbas cirka 70 000 människor av osteoporosrelaterade frakturer varje år och av dessa är det främst kvinnor som drabbas. Risken för att en svensk kvinna någon gång under sin livstid skall drabbas av en osteoporosrelaterad fraktur är 50 %. Hur snabbt en kvinna förlorar benmassan samt hur stor benmassa hon har från början är avgörande för om hon kommer att drabbas av osteoporos och därför är prevention i ett tidigt skede viktigt. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att belysa preventiva åtgärder för premenopausala kvinnor som kan förebygga primär osteoporos.

Effekten av hormonsubstitution hos äldre män med åldersrelaterad testosteronbrist: en litteraturgranskning

Background: Testosterone is the most important androgenic hormone in the male. Aging is closely associated with reduction of serum testosterone which can lead to reduced muscle mass, muscle strength, bone density, and depression. These symptoms may be counteracted by administration of testosterone. Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of hormone replacement in men with age-related testosterone deficiency. Method: We performed a systematic review using Randomised Controlled Trials (RCT).


The healing process of human bone can be aided by the presence of differentmaterials. A material that is transformed into bone when in contact with bone iscalled a boneconductive material. By transforming into bone the material reduces thetime that it takes to heal a fracture. This report is a study of existing boneconductivematerials on the market to see if there is a material available that would be suitable totest on larger fractures. The wanted application is to be able to heal fractures up to50 mm which is a fracture too big for the body to heal on its own.The healing process of human bone can be aided by the presence of differentmaterials.

The rabbit as an animal model in dental implant research : with special reference to bone augmenting materials

Dental implants that are integrated into the jaw bones are widely used to replace lost teeth in human beings. Tooth-loss is often related to loss of the surrounding alveolar bone. This can make implant placement difficult and a bone substituting material may be required. The standard method is to use a bone graft harvested from the patient which requires additional surgery than that needed for implant placement. Limitations in the amount of bone that can be harvested also pose a problem.

Mineral composition of New Zealand monofloral honeys

The objective of this study was to determine the mineral content in ten New Zealand monofloral honeys, in order to distinguish whether New Zealand monofloral honeys are a good source of minerals compared to honeys from other parts of the world. The ten monofloral honeys were collected from a local honey factory (Airborne Honey Ltd, Leeston), Clover, Honeydew, Kamahi, Manuka, Nodding Thistle, Rata, Rewarewa, Tawari, Thyme and Vipers Bugloss honeys were been investigated. The water content, water activity, pH, conductivity, colour and mineral content were evaluated. The water activity was averaged for all the ten New Zealand monofloral honeys and set to 0.59 aw, which indicates a high stability and long shelf life as a food stuff. A strong correlation between total mineral content, pH, conductivity and colour was obtained.

Hur skall patienter med metastaser till skelettet förhålla sig till fysisk aktivitet? : en litteraturstudie

Background: Many cancer patients who get bone metastases live longer thanks to the successful research and development of medicines during recent years. Many studies show general health benefits from physical activity. For patients with bone metastases the possibility of physical activity perhaps should limit? Nurses at oncological units are often in lifelong contact with this group of patients. It´s therefore important to have knowledge about the bone metastases and how it influence the patient´s possibility of performing physical activity in order to support and encourage the patient to safely physical activity.Aim: To describe the patient´s possibility of physical activity with metastases to the bone.Method: A literature study.Results: The extension of the bone metastases shall be verified through X-ray.

Studier av alkaliskt fosfatas och kollagen samt deras betydelse för skelettets mineralisering

There is convincing research which shows that the enzyme alkaline phosphatase (ALP) has a central role in the mineralization of bone, more precisely that its catalytic activity is needed in the process. ALP is found on the surface of matrix vesicles where the mineral is formed. One theory about the function of the enzyme is that it binds to fibrous collagen in the bone and thereby incorporating the mineral into the bone. The purpose of this study is to establish whether ALP binds to collagen. If this is the case, more elaborate studies around this will be performed.

Preventiva åtgärder mot osteoporos och osteoporosrelaterade frakturer

Osteoporos är en sjukdom som under de senaste decennierna ökat. I Sverige inträffar det cirka 70 000 osteoporosrelaterade benbrott varje år. Den största gruppen som drabbas är kvinnor efter menopaus. Syftet var att belysa faktorer som är av betydelse för prevention av osteoporos och osteoporosrelaterade frakturer hos postmenopausala kvinnor. Metoden var en systematisk litteraturstudie bestående av 10 vetenskapliga artiklar varav 9 baserade på kvantitativ och en på kvalitativ forskning.

Mineral i jordens inre : Hur kristallstrukturer förändras med tryck

Jordens innandöme är uppdelat i flera olika delar, vilket beror på gravitationen och kemisk differentiering. Skillnaden i tryck, temperatur och kemi mellan jordens skorpa, mantel och kärna är en förklaring till varför mineral ändrar karaktär längre ner i jorden. Djupare ner i jorden ökar trycket, men också temperaturen. Ökat tryck gör att atomerna packas tätare, medan ökad temperatur å andra sidan gör att mineralen expanderar. Detta är en av anledningarna till varför det är så svårt att bestämma stabilitetsområden för mineral, det vill säga vid vilka tryck och temperaturer de är stabila.

Specialiserad eller allmänkunskap? : en experimentell studie av benhantverk under Mesolitikum

The aim of this thesis is to study the possibility of the existence of a specialist in bone tools manufacturing during the Mesolithic. The thesis describes the climate during the Mesolithic, argues for an experimental approach, and describes social organization in hunter-gatherer-groups and the processes behind cultural transmission. It also gives some examples of excavation sites in Scandinavia. An experiment simulating a teaching situation is made, in addition to the theoretical information, with the intent to explore how advanced the crafting of bone really is. The physical result is then studied and documented.

Bakre skallgropens form hos hund : en studie av occipital hypoplasi hos hund

Chiari type I malformation is a condition in humans characterized by a small posterior cranial fossa, downward herniation of the cerebellar tonsils, foramen magnum overcrowding and disturbances of cerebrospinal fluid dynamics. Syringohydromyelia is often seen in patients with Chiari type I malformation. Syringohydromyelia is characterized by fluid-filled cavities in the spinal cord. This causes damage to the nervous tissue in the spinal cord. In recent years, a condition similar to Chiari type I malformation has been recognized in dogs. It has mostly been seen in Cavalier King Charles spaniels (CKCS). The condition seen in dogs is usually called occipital bone hypoplasia. The aim of the study was to examine whether there is a difference in the shape of the caudal fossa between CKCS, small bred dogs with a similar head shape and dogs with a normal head shape and if occipital bone hypoplasia is related to a head shape with a steep back of the head. Other aims of the study were to examine the crowding of nervous tissue in the foramen magnum in each breed group, the extent of syringohydromyelia and to what extent the malformation had caused neurological signs. Sculls from dogs on autopsy were divided in halves and the position of the cerebellum compared to the level of the foramen magnum was studied.

Strö- och vattentilldelning hos ett urval av Halmstad kommuns svinbesättningar

This thesis is conducted together with the environmental- and health department in Halmstadcommunity. The thesis is about allowance of bedding and water supply for pig farms inHalmstad community. These farms are chosen randomly from all of the pig farms inHalmstad community. It includes inspection of 27 pig farms and writing of a report. Duringthe inspections I study the amount of bedding, what kind of bedding, water supply andinjuries like lameness, shoulder-bone sore, ear-, flank- and pig tail biting.

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